Pelican Nebula, IC 5070 - Narrowband (Mapped colors)
Click image for full resolution version.
Optics: Stellarvue 115 f/7, Stellarvue 0.8x Flattener/Reducer
Camera: QSI 683wsg @ -25C
Filters: Astrodon Narrowband Filters (H-alpha 5nm, OIII 3nm, SII 5nm)
Mount: Losmandy G11-G2 with Ovision Worm
Guiding: OAG with Starlight Xpress Lodestar Auto Guider / PHD2 Guiding
Location: North Attleboro, Massachusetts
18.5 hours exposure over 6 nights, 21 Jun - 1 Jul 2014
Ha:SII:OIII 6h30m:6h:6h, 37 30m subs binned 1:2:2
Captured with Sequence Generator Pro
Processed with PixInsight and Photoshop CS6