M31, Andromeda Galaxy
(click for higher resolution image)
Optics: Stellarvue SV115 at f/4.7 with Astro-Physics CCDT67 focal reducer
Camera: QSI 683wsg @ -25C
Filters: Astrodon Gen2 LRGB
Mount: Losmandy G11-G2 with Ovision Worm on RA
Guiding: OAG with Starlight Xpress Lodestar Auto Guider / PHD2 Guiding
Location: North Attleboro, Massachusetts
4-panel Mosaic, ~5.5 hours exposure per panel, 22 hours exposure total, 10/2013
L:R:G:B 9h45m:3h50m:3h50m:4h35m (117:46:46:55 x 10m) binned 1:2:2:2
Captured with Sequence Generator Pro
Processed with PixInsight and Photoshop CS6