Messier 51 / M51 / NGC 5194 and NGC 5195
(click for full-size image)
Scope: GSO RC 10" @f/5.1 (fl=1300mm), AP CCDT67 Focal Reducer, MoonLite CSL Focuser with MoonLite STM Stepper Motor and MTS-500-V2 controller
Camera: QSI 683wsg @ -25C
Filters: Astrodon Tru-Balance Gen 2 E Series LRGB, Astrodon H-alpha 5nm
Mount: Losmandy G11-G2
Guiding: OAG with Starlight Xpress Lodestar Auto Guider / PHD Guiding
Location: North Attleboro, Massachusetts
13 hours exposure over 3 nights, 4/14/2013 - 4/17/2013
Ha:L:R:G:B 2h30m:5h10m:2h:1h50m:1h50m (5m LRGB and 15m Ha subs) binned 1:1:2:2:2
Captured with Sequence Generator Pro
Processed with PixInsight and Photoshop CS6